+65 6532 6632


Publications in the Law Gazette, a publication of the Law Society of Singapore.
  1. July 1997 – “For Better or For Worse”
  2. July 1998 – “Family Law: Minimising Acrimony”
  3. April 2000 – “Pre-Nuptial Agreements: Greater Prominence in the Future?”
  4. July 2001 – “Children in the Middle of Cross-Jurisdictional Disputes: Are their rights protected?”
  5. October 2002 – “To See or Not to See: A Case for Disclosure of Social Welfare Reports”
  6. Author of the chapter “Maintenance of Wife and Children” of the book titled “The Art of Family Lawyering” published by the Law Society of Singapore in May 2005
  7. January 2010 – “Child’s Voice In Court Proceedings: An Effective Voice Or A Silent Voice?”
Papers presented at International Conferences & Seminars
  1. Speaker at the Seminar entitled “Cross border Issues on Children: Parental Child Abduction and Parental Relocation” in November 2008
  2. May 2009 at The Children and the Law Conference in Singapore jointly organised by LAWASIA and the Law Society of Singapore – “Effective Enforcement: Protecting the Interest of the Child”
  3. November 2009 at the LAWASIA 22nd Conference in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – “Child’s Voice in Court Proceedings”

Teong Liang also participated in the video “Child Court Proceedings” produced by the Family Court of Singapore.